Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Week 74 - Staying in Kentville

Hey Everyone!

This week has been pretty eventful, so I'll try to cram as much as I can in here! I'm staying in Kentville with Elder Carlson for another transfer, so I'm stoked about that!

Thursday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ipson and Elder Madsen! We had such a fun time. I did some street contacting in downtown Halifax with Elder Madsen, and I knocked and apartment building with Elder Ipson. Cool story: when Ipson and I went knocking, we found 2 new investigators! We taught them a good Restoration lesson and resolved some of their concerns about Joseph Smith. Halfway through the lesson, it hit me that I was preaching repentance with one of my high school buddies! It was so awesome! Later that night we went to the temple with one of our recent converts in Kentville and some of the recent converts in Halifax, and I actually brought some of my own family names to the temple for the first time. They all had great names too 😀 !!!

Friday we did a zone companion study about getting our investigators to church, and we taught a lesson to our investigator Bryce. He's so awesome! His gospel understanding is spot on. I taught a lesson in Sunday school a couple weeks ago about prophets and he was in class. When we went to teach him on Friday (about following the prophet), he basically taught the same lesson to us!! It was great. He should be getting baptized on Feb. 10th if all goes well.

Also, yesterday, we taught a lesson to our investigator Troy and our investigator Amarilis. They're both progressing as well, but not as fast as Bryce. Hopefully we can baptize them this next transfer!

That's about it for this week! Miss you all.

Elder Haslam