Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week 75 - Baptism This Saturday!

Hi Everyone!

This was a good week! We taught all of our investigators two or more times this week and Troy and Bryce came to church!! Also, Bryce is getting baptized this Saturday! Not sure who's more excited, him or us. He'll most likely ask our recent convert Collin to baptize him, which is great because Collin really wants to baptize him. It'll be good for both of them! Bryce should be a member of the church before the end of the week, so that is awesome!

We also picked up a new investigator this week! Her name is Shili, and we taught her about the Restoration. It also turns out that she's really good friends with Collin and Bryce, so she has friends active in the gospel already, which is prime! A couple hours after we knocked on her door, she went to play volleyball with Collin and a few other friends, and she told him that she thinks it may be a sign from God that we knocked on her door. Exciting stuff!!

Also, we had a heat wave come through and melted all the snow in about a day, so now everything is mushy and wet. However, it's supposed to cool down again today, so I suspect winter will continue.

Hope things are going well back home. Love you guys. Hope you have a good week!
Elder Haslam