Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Week 47 - Split in Halifax

Hello Everybody!

This week went by pretty quickly!

Wednesday we had district meeting, and I gave a training on teaching the Restoration simply, quickly, and powerfully. It went really well! After, Elder Warner and I went knocking for 5.5 hours, and we talked to a lot of really nice people, so that was good. 

Thursday, we called this guy we gave a BoM to a couple weeks ago and he told us that he read the entire Book of Mormon! We were super pumped. So we stopped by his house and visited with him. We sat down and he slapped down a bunch of anti articles onto the table and started going through them with us. It was pretty annoying haha, but it was also fun because we addressed everything he brought up and used the scriptures to back it up. He was pretty closed off though, so I don't think he really listened to us. We're still not sure if he actually read the BoM. If he did, he certainly didn't do it with an open heart. Oh well. 

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I served in Halifax with one of my trainers, Elder Larson. His companion was needed someplace else, so I was his companion for a few days. I got to attend the Halifax YSA ward on Sunday and that was awesome! Some of the YSAs had us over for dinner too. I had a ton of fun, and it was really nice to serve with Elder Larson again after all these months. It was weird being in such a big city though. 

The other day I got to go on exchanges with Elder Ipson! We went knocking and had a ton of fun. He and his companion are traveling the mission to give some basic training to all of the missionaries. So they gave us a district meeting, and it was really awesome! I learned a lot and Elder Ipson killed it!

Hope everyone is doing well! 
Elder Haslam

Future Missionary (age 5): Elder Tyler Haslam

On a split with my "Mission Dad" - Elder Larsen