Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Week 46 - Zone Conference

Hey Pals!

Our only investigator, Suzanne, dropped us this past week. She just told us that she's not ready to quit smoking. She says she likes her cigarettes and tea too much to get baptized. She'll be baptized one day, but now just isn't her time. 

On a happier note, this past week we had our Zone Conference, and we talked a lot about ways we can help get our investigators to church. I got to see Elder Ipson there and we took yet another picture together. (They never get old.)

Elder Warner and I are still on the hunt for new people to teach. We've been knocking doors like crazy. We've also stopped using our car from 5 pm-9 pm, so we can walk more and talk to all the people that pass us while we walk. 

Also, one time this week, we were knocking and this guy who was so high answered this door. He was smoking marijuana, and he blew a puff of it into our faces. It was so bad and stinky haha! So we just reached out and gave him a pamphlet with our number on it and ran away. :)

That's about it for this week. Thanks everyone for all that you do!

Elder Haslam

Elder Ipson and Elder Haslam