Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Week 92 - Back to New Brunswick Baby!

Hi Everyone!

I'll run you guys through the week.

Wednesday we had district meeting and after that we spent the bulk of our time creating family trees for the people who signed up for one at our booth last Saturday. But we got those all finished up and they'll be delivered sometime this week.

Thursday we went to Halifax for an exchange and had a blast!! I spent basically from 1:30-6:45 in downtown Halifax either street contacting or doing a booth. Elder Olsen tagged along at our booth, so that was fun!! We invited people to read random Book of Mormon passages to see what it teaches them about Christ. We talked to some cool people and some funny people too! I love Halifax. There's sooo many people to talk to there.

Friday we helped our investigator Judy move into a new apartment. We helped her move all the big stuff, and it was a huge relief to her. She really appreciated our help! Later we had a dinner with the Walkers and our recent convert Mare. She's been struggling a bit lately, so we working to get her back on track. She seemed to benefit from the lesson and the dinner.

Saturday was spent mostly finding because we had 4 lessons fall through. It rained a ton in the morning, and we got SOAKED!!! It was fun though. We got a couple of cool potentials, so hopefully they'll turn into new investigators sometime this week.

Sunday we had stake conference, which was awesome!! A seventy, Elder John Pingree Jr., spoke. I had a lot of my personal questions answered by his talk. Later in the day, we picked up a new investigator named Kirk. He's from Jamaica, and he's dating a less active. He had a lot of deep questions, and he really seemed to grasp the Restoration when we taught him. He's a cool dude!!!

Monday morning was all spent doing call-in reports. We later had an appointment to get our car serviced, so we spent some time there messaging random people on FB to see if they're interested in learning more. That was really fun, and we now have a few conversations going on with people in the area!

Yesterday, we found out about transfers!! I'm heading to Saint John, NB to be with one of my dream companions, Elder Ablett!!! He's from England!! We lived in the same apartment over a year ago and  since we both came out the same time, now we'll probably finish our missions together. At first we thought we'd be whitewashing, but later we got a call saying we'll actually be in a TRIO with another one of my dream companions, Elder Ball!!! I legitimately have journal entries saying I hope I'm companions with these guys! I am so blessed! I'll also be in the same zone as Elder Ipson and Elder Olsen, so I'll get to see Ipson again before he goes home, and I'll also get to be around Elder Olsen! I'm so pumped!!! Blessings all around!! Back to New Brunswick, baby!!

Although I'm super stoked, it's sad to say goodbye to Kentville. I absolutely love this place and the people here. I'm having to say a lot of tough goodbyes, but I've been tremendously blessed to spend 6 months here!! This area and the people here will always have a special place in my heart.

Hope things are well at home. Love you guys! Hope you have a good week!!

Elder Haslam

new Companion, Elder Ablett

Riding Bikes with Elder Bringhurst

Kentville District

Sunset in Halifax

Me and Elder Olsen