Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 82 - Another Great Week in Nova Scotia

Hey Everyone!

Another good week here in Nova Scotia!!

Wednesday we had district meeting in Annapolis Royal! We also went on exchanges with the Yarmouth Elders. I got to be with one of my former companions, Elder Jones. It was nice to be with him again. We taught our investigator Troy together. We went over the baptismal interview questions with him, and he did well with all of them. He's progressed so much since we met him. At first he didn't even know who God was, but now he knows that God is there to help guide him through life. He's a great learner!

Thursday we had a big snow storm! We still went knocking all evening and that was fun. People thought we were crazy for being out in a blizzard, but we met a lot of nice people! We also stopped by a less active part member family we're going to try to work with.

Friday we waited in a walk-in clinic for 2 hours to get a prescription for Elder Bringhurst. Then we drove down to Halifax for our exchange with the AP's. We did a lot of contacting downtown and had a ton of fun! I was also able to teach a cool investigator they have named Greg who's thinking about being baptized. 

Saturday we were still on exchange for most of the morning. After some knocking, we went to have lunch at a burger restaurant. I got a huge burger called the Legendary CC Porker. I'll send a picture of it. After lunch we drove back to Wolfville and went finding. We found this awesome guy named Jeremy. I'll talk about him a little later. We also taught Troy again and talked about the covenant of baptism. We moved his baptismal date to April 7th. That'll give us more time to prepare, him, but I'm confident he'll make it!!

Sunday, our new investigator Jeremy came to church!! He's awesome. We met him on the street on Saturday night. We gave him a Book of Mormon, and he read some of it that same night. We invited him to church and even arranged a ride for him. It was great to see him there! We taught him the Restoration during the 3rd hour and put him on date for May the 5th. He's awesome!! Troy couldn't come to church sadly because he had a job interview.

Monday we taught Mare about family history and got her started on Family Search. She has two names so far that she can take with her to the temple. She's pumped to go! She just needs her recommend then we're boogying over to the temple in Halifax to do some baptisms!!

Like I said, it was a great week! Hope you had a good week too! Love you all!

Elder Haslam

Just another snowy drive

The Legendary CC Porker Hamburger

Downtown Halifax from the City Library

Acadia University at Sunset