Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Week 80 - Still in Kentville - 20th Birthday!

Hey Everyone!

It was another good week here in Nova Scotia!

Wednesday we had district meeting in Annapolis Royal. We talked about the power of faith and the ill effects of doubt. We also got to go to a baptism in Bridgewater with  our investigator Mare. It was about an hour and twenty minute drive, but an awesome member, Sister Walker, drove her down so she could see what a baptism is like. Mare loved it too! We're shooting for her to be baptized on the 17th. She's definitely going to make it. She's really excited!!

Thursday we had Skype calls to help train the district leaders in the zone. I also got permission to have a Skype lesson with Howard and Elder Olsen! That was a good time. It was nice to get the Amherst crew back together. Mare had her baptismal interview in the evening and she passed! If she can stay smoke free from here on, she'll be baptized this Saturday! 

Friday we had probably the most snow this entire winter. We also had an awesome dinner appointment with the Spinney family. Sister Spinney made us Greek food, and it was amazing!

Saturday we got to attend a great baptism in Sackville. The girl who was baptized is a 17 year old who referred herself on Mormon.org.  We also had a lesson with our new, very short investigator Brenda, who's doing really well. She had already read part of the Book of Mormon, and she said she'd be open to baptism. So we'll see how her progression goes!! 

Sunday, was a great day! We had church and Mare came! Then we went knocking for the rest of the day, and shoveled out a driveway for this lady who has a sick child. That was a good experience.

Monday, we prepared Mare's baptismal program, and she asked me to confirm her on Sunday! We also taught our other investigator named Troy, and he put himself on date for March 31st! He's so great. We're hoping and praying he will make it.

Tuesday Mare made us dinner and we taught her about missionary work. She's already thought of friends who she thinks could accept the gospel. We also found out about transfers. Turns out Elder Carlson is leaving Kentville. I'm gonna miss him! We've had a lot of success together. My new companion is Elder Bringhurst, from Alaska! I'm excited to serve with him.

Love you all!! Have a good week! 

Elder Haslam