Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Week 74 - Staying in Kentville

Hey Everyone!

This week has been pretty eventful, so I'll try to cram as much as I can in here! I'm staying in Kentville with Elder Carlson for another transfer, so I'm stoked about that!

Thursday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ipson and Elder Madsen! We had such a fun time. I did some street contacting in downtown Halifax with Elder Madsen, and I knocked and apartment building with Elder Ipson. Cool story: when Ipson and I went knocking, we found 2 new investigators! We taught them a good Restoration lesson and resolved some of their concerns about Joseph Smith. Halfway through the lesson, it hit me that I was preaching repentance with one of my high school buddies! It was so awesome! Later that night we went to the temple with one of our recent converts in Kentville and some of the recent converts in Halifax, and I actually brought some of my own family names to the temple for the first time. They all had great names too 😀 !!!

Friday we did a zone companion study about getting our investigators to church, and we taught a lesson to our investigator Bryce. He's so awesome! His gospel understanding is spot on. I taught a lesson in Sunday school a couple weeks ago about prophets and he was in class. When we went to teach him on Friday (about following the prophet), he basically taught the same lesson to us!! It was great. He should be getting baptized on Feb. 10th if all goes well.

Also, yesterday, we taught a lesson to our investigator Troy and our investigator Amarilis. They're both progressing as well, but not as fast as Bryce. Hopefully we can baptize them this next transfer!

That's about it for this week! Miss you all.

Elder Haslam

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 73 - Best Week Thus Far!


I'm really short on time this week, but this week was the busiest week of my mission. We taught 11 lessons this week and picked up two new gators. We had 2 people at church this week too!! One of our new investigators is named Amarilis, and she's sooo solid. She's on date for March 2nd!! Lot of good things happening.

I'm with my buddy Elder Ipson right now. We're about to leave to go get some sushi in Cole Harbour!  We're emailing in the mission home right now!! Also, when we drive back to Kentville today, Elder Carlson and I have to drive two separate cars because we need to deliver a car to a companionship in our zone, so we'll be driving solo for an hour or so. 

Anyways, love you all. Have a good week!!!
Elder Haslam

Elders Haslam and Ipson, spending part of p-day in the Mission home.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Week 72 - Another Good Week

Hey Everyone!

This was a good week! We had zone conference and we learned a lot about how we can do a better job getting investigators to church. It was actually really inspired because we implemented what we were trained on, and we were able to get one of our new investigators to church this week! His name is Troy. He's YSA and he's from China. He's excited to learn more about God. We're teaching him this week. We're also still teaching our YSA investigator Bryce. He was on-date for baptism, but he didn't come to church this week, so we'll have to schedule another date for him. All in all, good stuff!!

We had to drop our investigator Edward because he wasn't progressing. He mainly just wanted to socialize with us. I think he'll be baptized down the road sometime for sure though.

Today we're going to have a Nerf war with some of the young men in our ward. They're so fun! They all have ADHD to the max, so our Nerf wars are pretty nuts!

A big thank you to the recently released PL1 bishopric  and a giant shoutout to the new one!! You're going to kill it!!!

Love you all!!!!!

Elder Haslam

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Week 71 - Major Winter Storm - "Bomb Cyclone"

Hey Everyone!!!

This was a good week. I'll update quickly because we're short on time.

I stayed a night in Dartmouth because we went down for MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) but we got stuck in town due to the weather. We stayed at the mission home and watched a movie on President Monson. He was such an amazing man. He's going to be missed. He's been the Prophet of my youth. It'll be weird not having him around. But it was a good night!!!

We picked up a new investigator this week named Bryce. He's an 18 year old university student. He's so sweet!! We taught him about the Restoration and the Doctrine of Christ, and it all just clicked in his mind. He's on date for Feb 3rd!! Hopefully it goes through. He's awesome!!

The university is back in session, so now we can also contact university students. We went out contacting for 3 hours the other day, and we got sooo many cool potentials. Hopefully, they turn into some investigators!!

Love you all!!! Have a good week!

Elder Haslam

Outside during the "Bomb Cyclone" in Eastern Canada

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Week 70 - Happy New Year!

Hi People!

Wow. I can't believe that 2017 is over. It's kind of sad because my 2017 was spent doing missionary work 100% of the time. I most likely will never have a year quite like it again. I'll send some of my favorite pics from 2017 to commemorate the good year. Okay, enough with the cheese and on to how my week was.

We had a good week! We found 4 new investigators, but we have since lost contact with 3 of them. Sad. One of them, however, is named Joe. He's a cool guy. He came to church this past week to check it out. He really wants to quit smoking, so we're going to start working with him to help him. Our other investigator, Edward, is doing well. We're trying to help him overcome his concerns. His main one is that he is afraid that he'll lose a bunch of friends from his current church because almost all of them are anti-Mormon. So not too much to update with him. We do think we'll be able to baptize him this transfer.

I tried lobster for the first time on New Year's Eve! A member made it for us, and it is REALLY GOOD. (Are you impressed, Grandpa?)

Anyways, that's about it. Hope you all have a good week.

Elder Haslam