Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 63 - Hospital Visit

Hey y'all!!

Hope you had a good week. 

This week was pretty good. One of our two investigators dropped us this week. We set up an appointment to come teach her and when we showed up we found the BoM we gave her and all the pamphlets sitting on her porch with a note saying that she didn't want us to come anymore. So that's unfortunate. 

So the bulk of this last week and this next week was and will be spent trying to find some more people to teach. We have a one really cool potential investigator named Star so hopefully we can teach her this week. 

Funny Story: For lunch I was trying to open a can of beans and our can opener really sucks. So I tried opening it with that can opener for like 15 MINUTES. Finally, I started using my hands and that was a dumb decision. I sliced my thumb open and had to go to the hospital and get 2 stitches. Good times....

That's about all for this week. Here's a good scripture  (Alma 7:23) to look up and ponderize this week. I ponderized it this past week and got a lot out of it.

Love you all have a good week.

-- Elder Haslam

Pics: My district last transfer         I cut my thumb (2)         Monthly Activity Calendar