Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 26 - Exciting Transfer - New DL

Parental Note:

Elder Haslam didn't take time to write a group email this week because the whole "freddy-town squad" (as he put it) spent a good portion of their P-day doing a photo shoot at the local Wal-Mart (see pics below). Apparently one of the sisters got a coupon. Go figure.

A piece of exciting news is that his Centerville buddy, Elder Grant Ipson, has been transferred to Fredericton! Although he's not Ty's companion, he will be living in the same apartment! Also, Ty has been made a district leader and has a relative greenie, Elder Jones, as his new companion, so we're excited to learn more about him.

He also indicated that, as a mission, they are focusing on how to more powerfully explain Moroni’s Promise and how to use Alma 32 to help both missionaries and  investigators recognize how the Spirit bears witness of truth.  

Enjoy these pictures!