Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 14 - My First Transfer

Hi everyone!

It's transfer week and we just got a text saying that I'm leaving Newfoundland, but I don't know where until later tonight...So I'll let you guys know exactly where I am next week. I fly out from Newfoundland tomorrow. 

Last P-day, after emailing, we went with all of the St. John's Missionaries and we went laser tagging. It was awesome. The place we went to was huge and it had such a cool setup. Then we went on a little hike and we got to see an awesome view of the city. St. John's is a pretty cool place! The whole city kind of smells like weed though. 

On Thursday, we went to Glovertown to do some service with one of our members up there. We stacked wood for about 2-hours for a non-member, and it was super fun! Then we went and delivered cookies and cupcakes to all of the neighbors! Yeee. #LIGHTtheWORLD

Then, on Saturday we were in 2 parades!! We handed out over 400 Light the World pass along cards! We decorated our van with lights and stuff. It was awesome! It was like -6 degrees Celsius during the night and I gave Elder Hovey my gloves, so that was kinda crappy haha. 

Well, I'm running out of time and I need to go pack. Hope you all have a good week!!!!

Love Elder Haslam