Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 1 - MTC

MTC Email - Week 1 - Elder Tyler Haslam

Howdy y'all. I finally have my first P day. I had to wait 8 days! That was kind of hard. I'm not sure exactly where to start. The first couple of days were super tough. I had that one experience in the MTC that everyone talks about, when the first night you're laying in bed and you're just like, "What the heck am I doing". But I prayed over and over and I can say that I'm actually having a ton of fun now. Each day just gets better.

My companion is Elder Hamblin. He's a really cool guy. We get along really well. We've started teaching our TRC investigators this week and I think we teach together effectively. I'm starting to get the hang of teaching. I can teach the first lesson with ease now. 

My district is the absolute best. We're all like family. A bunch of elders in my district have gained a bunch of weight since they've gotten here. One elder has gained 10 lbs since coming to the MTC. I'd like to officially announce that I'm the only elder in my district to not gain any weight haha!! I eat like 4,000 pieces of broccoli every meal so..... We're joking around all day and laughing almost all day. 

I'm learning so much about the Lord and the gospel. I get to play basketball every morning and it is wonderful. Sunday night we watched an amazing video called Character of Christ by Elder Bednar. It was amazing. They make all of the missionaries watch it. It talked about how in order to be like Christ, we need to turn ourselves outward when we desire to turn ourselves inward. We need to be serviceable when we personally need service the most. That's something to strive for!!

The MTC is wonderful and all, but I already want to go to Canada. I'm definitely counting down the days until I get there. Thank you all for the emails and the support. It means more than you know. I miss you all so much and you are all in my prayers. If you want to know anything more, email or write me please. I'd enjoy that. 

Love you guys very much,

Elder Haslam (12)