Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 87 - Loving Life Right Now!

Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well! Here's what happened this week.

Thursday we volunteered at the Food Bank and our job was to help people carry their groceries out to their cars. It was raining a ton, so we got soaking wet, but it was a lot of fun and people really appreciated our help. We did a lot of finding that day as well and we got even more soaked. We taught this lady we knocked into about the Church and many of our beliefs. She wasn't too interested, but we did clear up a bunch of misconceptions she had about the church.

Friday we had a lot of Skype calls that we had to do with the district leaders to discuss the upcoming transfer. We also did our weekly planning and after that we spent the day knocking!! We didn't get any potentials but we had a lot of fun.

Saturday was a grind day. We had a ward priesthood breakfast in the morning. After that, we spent the whole day finding! We busted out our bikes for the first time this year and went knocking on some houses along some of the highways. We biked up some HUGE hills!! At the end of the day we were exhausted. We weren't able to find any new investigators, but the reassurance we had from the Spirit after working so hard that day was worth it!

Sunday was awesome! We had both of our investigators there! Judy and LaDavian both loved it. Judy especially had a great time. When one of the members drove her home, she told her that this was her favorite church she's been to! Judy is so awesome. She's on date for May 26th, and we think she'll make her date! We also had dinner with the Morrisons on Sunday and that's always fun.

Monday was good. We had call ins and our district leader had a Skype companion study which was a lot of fun. We talked about having faith and the "But if Not" principle. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, you should listen to the talk "But If Not.." from April 2004 General Conference by Dennis E. Simmons. 

I'm loving life right now!! The Church is true!

Hope y'all have a good week!! 

Elder Haslam