Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Week 34 - 5 Stars!

Hi Everyone!

This week was a good one, but not much happened.

The highlight of the week was on Saturday when we went over to Bishop's house for pancakes. After that, we went on an ocean-side run, and it was beautiful! It's really nice to be in an area by the ocean.

On Saturday we also went to a local rec center and did a family history booth. It's fun because when we do booths, we get to wear a polo instead of a white shirt and suit coat. People look at us differently then, and they're not so scared of us haha. We did get about 12 people who signed up for family trees to be delivered to their homes, so we'll be delivering those this week. Hopefully we see some success from it.

Well, to end, I'd like to offer my testimony of the Book of Mormon. To quote from one of Elder Holland's talks, he says, referring to the Book of Mormon, "No evil man could write such a book as this. And no good man could either, unless it were true and he was commanded by God to do so." I testify to you all that the Book of Mormon is true, that it contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that it is the key to our happiness in this life and in the life to come. I give it 5 stars!!!!

Hope you all have a great week! Love you all.

Elder Haslam

Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada

Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week 33 - Hello Cole Harbour!

Hi Everyone!

This week has been awesome!! It was sad to say goodbye to Fredericton and Elder Ipson, but we will be companions one day anyway, so it wasn't too bad. But I love it here in Cole Harbour! We don't have too many investigators at the moment, but that will change soon. We have a couple we are teaching, but at the moment all they want to do is debate with us about stuff like the trinity and women not being able to hold the priesthood. They aren't really progressing, but President Pratt has told us to stick with them. We will see if we are able to help them out at all. 

My new companions name is Elder Fullmer! He is from Washington, and he has been out for about 4 months. He is such a funny guy! We are going to have a blast together!

My first day here I got to attend the temple for the first time in almost 8 months! That was very refreshing. I forgot how amazing the temple is. All you people in Utah, make sure you don't take the temple for granted. You should go as often as you can! It's pretty cool here because our church and the temple share the same parking lot! It's awesome leaving church and just seeing the temple sitting there when you walk out the doors.

Easter Sunday was awesome! We had a lunch appointment and a dinner appointment. It was weird being fed so much because meal appointments have been scarce on my mission so far. Apparently, missionaries get fed a lot here because the members are great. This recent convert named Dolores gave an amazing talk about her conversion story, and it was amazing!

Yesterday, we had zone conference, and we had trainings about both finding and getting our investigators to church. It was great! Afterwards, we went knocking and talked to some really cool people and got a few potential lessons set up.

Like I said, it has been a great week! I love serving, and I love you all!

Elder Haslam
Matthew 10:39

Transfer Day - Going to Cole Harbour

Saying Goodbye to Elder (Grant) Ipson

Greeted by my new companion Elder Fullmer

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 32 - Goodbye Fredericton

Hi Everyone!

Well this week was transfer week, and I got the news that I'm getting transferred to Cole Harbor, Nova Scotia! I'm so pumped. It was a HUGE shock. We were all 100% convinced that all of Fredericton was staying the same, but nope. It'll be sad to leave Fredericton and say goodbye to Elder Ipson, but I'll see him again (when we're companions😁).

I've heard only good things about Cole Harbor! It's one of the "metro" areas, so I always get to do fun p-day stuff with the missionaries in Halifax, Dartmouth, and Sackville. The temple is in my area too, so that's sick! It also has one of the biggest wards in the mission! I'm so excited. 

Well, my last week in Fredericton was a good one. We taught a lesson to this guy named Lucas. We met him on the street and he seemed pretty interested. We taught him a restoration lesson at the library, and he thought it was amazing. It was awesome, so I'm kind of bummed that I'm leaving and I don't get to teach him, but it's all good.

That's about it from this week! Love you all! 

Be nice to each other. 

Elder Haslam

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 31 - Conference Time

Hi Everyone!

This week was grrreat!

On Tuesday we did a mini exchange with the ZLs, and I was with Elder Madsen. We went up to the University of New Brunswick campus and proselyted around the campus. It was sweet! We talked to a bigillion college students, and it was super fun. We got 10 potential investigators, and one of them has already become a new investigator for the ZLs! So that was a pretty fun day!

Saturday and Sunday we got to watch conference. Conference is like Christmas out here in the mission field. It's taken on a whole new meaning for me since I've been out. It's amazing to think that the words we hear during conference are scriptures tailored to our world today. I loved Elder Mark S. Palmer's talk about love. In it he said, "Those who are hardest to love, need our love the most." That hit me like a ton of bricks. That's something I think we all could work on. 

That's about it for this week! We're still trying to find some investigators! It'll happened this week.

Thank you all for the support! I love being a missionary.

Love you all!

Elder Haslam