Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 30 - Awesome People

Hi There Everyone!

This was a great week of missionary work! 

We met some really amazing people. Even though they weren't interested, we had a ton of people let us know that they respect what we're doing and that they think we're awesome people. I LOVE people like that. I want to give them a hug.

We did a lot of finding this week and that's about it haha!!! It was great though. I love talking to people. At the beginning of my mission, I hated it, but now it's actually pretty fun.

This week Elder Ipson and I have been playing a bunch of horse on our mini hoop in the apartment. WE GO HARD! Sometimes we'll play 1 v 1 and start sweating. 

But that's about it. Not a ton of news, but it was still a wonderful week!

This week I read the story of the Strippling Warriors. We all know the story, but I just want to remind everyone how awesome they are. They trusted in God so much that they were transformed from like 15 year old boys into beast warriors. They are such a perfect example of faith and trust in the Lord. As we strive to follow their example and trust the Lord in all things, we'll become "beasts" at whatever the Lord needs us to be beastly at. ðŸ˜€

Love you all! Thanks for your ongoing support!!

Elder Haslam

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 29 - Birthday Week

Hello Everyone!

This week was both hard and great!

It was hard because I couldn't watch March Madness, but oh well. It was great because we found two new people to teach!! One of them is named Randall. He has two kids, and he's about 40ish years old. He's very open to giving the BoM a try, we just have to help him find that answer. The second one's name is Jessie. He just moved here from Saskatchewan (I spelled that right my first try!! No joke!!), and he's working for the military. He's a really nice guy, and he wants us to come and teach him more, so that's pretty exciting!

On Wednesday we got to go to Houlton, Maine, for District meeting! That was awesome because America is awesome.

This past week I studied humility. I was reading in 2 Kings, chapter 5 about the story of Naaman and how he had to humble himself in order to be cured of his leprosy. Heavenly Father doesn't ask us to do grand things. Rather, he asks us to do simple and humble tasks in order for us help others and ourselves. In Ether 12:27 we learn that HUMILITY=STRENGTH. So as we do the humble things the Lord has asked us to do (repent, priesthood service, read scriptures, and pray), we can become stronger in all aspects of our life through the enabling power of the Atonement. 

Hope you all have an awesome week! Thanks for the support!!! Stay cool!!!

Elder Haslam

P.S. Thank you family and friends for all of the birthday wishes!!! Love you guys!!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 28 - Scary Man!

Hi Everybody!

This week was a pretty good one.

Not much happened on Wednesday and Thursday. We got a few people who could potentially be interested though, so that was actually pretty exciting.

Saturday I WENT ON EXCHANGES WITH ELDER IPSON! We were knocking and multiple times we just couldn't believe what we were actually doing. How many people can say that they went proselyting with one of their friends from high school? Maybe there are a few people out there but probably not many, so you get the point. At night, we pulled over the side of a pretty rural neighborhood to look at a list of less actives in the ward. All of the sudden Elder Ipson starting screaming and was telling me to look out the window. I looked and this huge, shirtless, scary guy was staring at us through his window. Elder Ipson just floored it, and we got out of there. It was scary.

On Sunday, since our exchange on Saturday was only a half day, we did the rest of the exchange on Sunday. Grant and I went to a dinner appointment together. It was just so weird but amazing at the same time. I wish we would've taken more pictures but oh well.

The work is progressing here in Fredericton, but it's taking some time. Hopefully we'll see some major success here this next transfer!

Thank you all for the awesome support. Have a great week!

Elder Haslam

Scary Man look through our Window!

On a split together

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 27 - Pictures

Hi All,

Just a quick message this week because we still need to go shopping and go play a bit before p-day is over.

I'm so happy to be with Grant! He's the best. I love it. It's just like hanging out with him back home when we're in the apartment together. It's just unreal at times. I step back and I'm like, "is this real???" all of the time.

I'm emailing today instead of yesterday because we had zone conference yesterday. It was awesome! The visiting general authority, Elder Meurs, was amazing. He had a talk in General Conference last session. It's pretty short, but you'll get to know him a bit through that. Elder Meurs talk . He gave us a bunch of awesome trainings about missionary work.  He and President Pratt are some of the coolest people on the planet. They both just basically trained us for 8 hours, and it was AWESOME!

As for teaching, sadly, we are back to no investigators again, so we've got to get to work again to find some folks to teach. 

Sorry this is so short. Love you guys!! A special happy birthday shout out to Alexis and Dad! Hope you all have a great week. Love you!

Elder Haslam

Elder Ipson Comes to Fredericton

Stacking 5 Elders in One Bedroom!!!

Elder Haslam in his bunk (w/Jedi Robe)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 26 - Exciting Transfer - New DL

Parental Note:

Elder Haslam didn't take time to write a group email this week because the whole "freddy-town squad" (as he put it) spent a good portion of their P-day doing a photo shoot at the local Wal-Mart (see pics below). Apparently one of the sisters got a coupon. Go figure.

A piece of exciting news is that his Centerville buddy, Elder Grant Ipson, has been transferred to Fredericton! Although he's not Ty's companion, he will be living in the same apartment! Also, Ty has been made a district leader and has a relative greenie, Elder Jones, as his new companion, so we're excited to learn more about him.

He also indicated that, as a mission, they are focusing on how to more powerfully explain Moroni’s Promise and how to use Alma 32 to help both missionaries and  investigators recognize how the Spirit bears witness of truth.  

Enjoy these pictures!