Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 12 - Found Grant

Hi everyone! This week was extremely busy.

We flew to Halifax Wednesday morning and went on exchanges with the APs for the rest of that day. Then on Thursday, we drove to New Brunswick for MLC (Mission Leadership Conference). On the way back from MLC, I received a huge tender mercy!! So we were driving back an old car to Halifax, so it could be sold. A few minutes into the drive, we got a call from the APs saying that we needed to drop off the bike rack on the back of the car in Amherst! I started freaking out because I knew that was where Elder (Grant) Ipson is. When we got to Amherst, I called him and surprised him. It was awesome! We got to hang out and take a few pics before we had to leave. Not very many people get to say that they saw one of their best friends while out in the mission field. I'm very blessed!

That's about all for this week. We didn't really have too much time to meet with our investigators because we were so busy flying and traveling. We plan on meeting with them a lot this week, hopefully. 

Thank you all for your support! Hope you all have an awesome Thanksgiving. Make sure you take time to thank our Heavenly Father for all he has done for you. We truly have so much for which to be thankful!

Love you all and miss you!!

Elder Haslam