Elder Tyler Haslam

Elder Tyler Haslam
Elder Tyler James Haslam

Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 13 - Thanksgiving

Hi everyone!

This week was a pretty average one! We did a ton of knocking trying to introduce people to the Church's Christmas Initiative. People seem to like it!! Also, one of our promising investigators pretty much dropped us. We're not really sure why but she just told us that she didn't want to meet anymore. That was a really big bummer, but we're hoping to meet with her and resolve her concerns this week. 

On Wednesday, some of the senior couples in our district made us all a big American Thanksgiving dinner after district meeting because they don't celebrate Thanksgiving in November here in Canada. It was refreshing to have a American Thanksgiving because Newfoundland Thanksgivings are really weird and they don't have rolls and mashed potatoes and stuff.  

Then, on Thursday, we had exchanges and we all went to a wing place for lunch and I got to watch about an hour of SportsCenter and it was amazing haha!!!!!:) We also asked this guy who owns a huge electronic billboard on one of the main roads if he would put up a graphic for the Initiative and he said he would do it for free! We all got super pumped when he told us he would. In a few days he should have our graphic up on the billboard!

On Friday we went to a Bible study with a bunch of Pentecostal people and they talked about how their church plays street hockey every other Saturday. So we plan on going to their church this week to play some hockey with them. When we asked them if we could come, they didn't really seem all that excited but we're going anyways because it sounds fun and it'll help us introduce the Initiative to them. 

Yesterday in Church we Skyped into the Corner Brook branch and they were having their primary program. Primary programs over Skype are amazing!! Especially when there are like 4 primary children and the microphone makes them all sound like Darth Vader when they sing :)

Well that's about all for this week. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm Thankful that I can be out here serving the Lord and sharing the message of his restored gospel.

Have a wonderful week!

Elder Haslam

P.S. Thank you to my family for that picture you guys took up at the lodge! You're all the best!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 12 - Found Grant

Hi everyone! This week was extremely busy.

We flew to Halifax Wednesday morning and went on exchanges with the APs for the rest of that day. Then on Thursday, we drove to New Brunswick for MLC (Mission Leadership Conference). On the way back from MLC, I received a huge tender mercy!! So we were driving back an old car to Halifax, so it could be sold. A few minutes into the drive, we got a call from the APs saying that we needed to drop off the bike rack on the back of the car in Amherst! I started freaking out because I knew that was where Elder (Grant) Ipson is. When we got to Amherst, I called him and surprised him. It was awesome! We got to hang out and take a few pics before we had to leave. Not very many people get to say that they saw one of their best friends while out in the mission field. I'm very blessed!

That's about all for this week. We didn't really have too much time to meet with our investigators because we were so busy flying and traveling. We plan on meeting with them a lot this week, hopefully. 

Thank you all for your support! Hope you all have an awesome Thanksgiving. Make sure you take time to thank our Heavenly Father for all he has done for you. We truly have so much for which to be thankful!

Love you all and miss you!!

Elder Haslam

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 11 - Great Week

Well this week has been great!

We had a couple of solid lessons with our new investigators! One of them, Rachel, is just struggling to find out if God is real. She wants to find out, but she just isn't sure of anything. So we're just gonna work on helping her find that! The other one, Johanna, is a pretty active Catholic but she's really open to us. She loves having us over and learning more. We just have to turn that desire to learn more into action. So that's where we're at with our gators!

This next week is going to be crazy. Tomorrow, we have exchanges with some other elders. One of them is my MTC buddy, so I'm stoked for that! Wednesday, we're flying out to Halifax and going on exchanges with the APs. Thursday, we're going to the Mission Leadership Conference, which I'm a little worried about because it's going to be me and a bunch of super old missionaries haha. Each missionary has to prepare a 10 min training, so hopefully they don't pick on me. We fly back to Newfoundland on Friday. Then on Saturday, we have a zone training and my companions asked me to conduct and help them with a training. So we're really busy!!!!!!!

Other than that, It's been a pretty average week up here in Newfoundland! Hope all is well back home. Love you all!! 

Elder Haslam

P.S.  Cathy graduated this week so she had us take pics with her in her gown and stuff. :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 10 - Good Things Happening

Hi People!!!

This week was really great. All the days were pretty average except Friday and Saturday. Friday we had zone conference at Hotel because no church buildings are big enough here on Newfoundland. We got a ton of awesome training from President Pratt. We talked a lot about the Doctrine of Christ and how we need to stress it in our teachings. Later that day, President and Sister Pratt took my companions and me, the STLs, and the APs out to dinner at this nice diner place.

Saturday was awesome! President Pratt went on splits with me and my companions, and we got some work done! We stopped by this lady's house, and she had a bunch of questions about the church. At first, she wasn't interested at all, but by the end of the lesson she told us that she wants to believe in our church and she wants to meet with us again! Then, later, we went knocking and some lady let us in and we taught her a Restoration lesson. At the end, she seemed interested and pretty much asked us to come and teach the Plan of Salvation sometime this week. So on Saturday alone we got 2 new gators!!! It was great. 

I also was told on Friday that I'm going to be flying to Halifax with my companions for the Mission Leadership Conference instead of staying in Corner Brook. So that'll be cool! We fly out next Thursday. 

Thanks for all your support and prayers! I love you all! Have a great week!!

Elder Haslam

P.S. Sister Borden finally got her G.E.D. this week! She dropped out of school when she was like 12 so this was a big week for her! Also, we haven't had to take any pills from her this week! I just hope she's not stashing them somewhere......Also thanks mom for the basketball hoop. I took a selfie with it :)