Hey Everyone!
Well, this is it. This is the last email I'm going to be sending out from my mission.
It's been a very bittersweet last few weeks. A lot of "This is the last time I do ____!" statements.
I've loved being a missionary. It's been such a humbling experience, and I will always be grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had out here. It was on my mission that I actually received an undeniable testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know, through personal experiences, that it is true. My missionary service has been such a blessing. Words can't express the gratitude I have right now. I'm going to be leaving a part of me here in the Maritimes, but now I've got other fish to fry.
Thank you all for the love and support you've provided me, whether it was through emails or prayers, I've felt love from all of you, and it has helped me so much.
Look forward to seeing you all soon!!
Much Love,
Elder Haslam
On The Road Home! |